A Morning Wellness Shot

A quick and straightforward recipe to boost your health.

3 min readMay 23, 2020

Wellness shots have been around for so long that they are often used in parodies of healthy living. These shots have been growing in popularity in your local juice stores. What are wellness shots? They are essentially small condensed versions of cold-pressed juices providing quick and easy bursts of essential nutrients. Depending on the shot, you may get an extra dose of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Below is a quick and simple recipe for a wellness shot I have been making every morning. I drink it before I eat breakfast. I make 2 servings. For the 2nd serving, I save it for the next morning to drink. It will still be fresh, so do not worry about that. Before I give you the recipe, I want to share the ingredients I put in and their benefits to your health.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) contains plenty of antioxidants. Many studies have looked at how drinking affects blood glucose levels in people with diabetes. Some reviews also say it could contribute to weight loss. However, there is no stable evidence of that yet.

Garlic powder is a very potent spice. It has an active compound that can help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Turmeric has its reputation for resolving pain and inflammations. Do you have a gut problem? This is a great solution. It is also a fantastic spice used for cooking, especially in middle eastern food. It can help with fever, high cholesterol, and itching too.

Ginger is excellent for digesting, especially if you have stomach issues like bloating and menstrual pain (for women). It contains powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that can help protect your body from chronic diseases while contributing goods to skin health.

Lemon juice contains lots of vitamin C and improves skin quality.

Water helps balance out the acidity of the ACV and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Black pepper helps activate the turmeric as it contains properties of piperine compounds.

3 Minutes Morning Wellness Shot (2 servings)

1 teaspoon

1 tablespoon garlic powder

1 tablespoon turmeric

1 oz (thumb-sized) fresh ginger with the skin peeled

1/3 cup of fresh-squeezed lemon juice

1/3 cup of water

A dash of black pepper

Add all these ingredients except the black pepper to a blender (no order) and blend it well. After you pour a shot in a shot glass or just a cup, put a dash of black pepper in it. Swirl the cup, and drink it down.

You may feel a sting or uncomfortableness going down your throat. It is normal. You will get used to it after drinking it every morning.

Why go to a juice store and spend $10 on a shot when you can make your own at home?




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